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Hemlock St, Brooklyn, NY 11208 5 Bridge St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 +321 856 964 108


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Our Values

  /  Our Values

Freedom Trade

Many women are at a disadvantage in India and many other places around the world today, facing exploitation and other difficulties on a daily basis. Helping women to stand independently, support their family, provide education for their children and find personal freedom and dignity, is key in order to break a cycle of poverty and exploitation.

The concept of providing employment opportunities to women, often with little or no schooling, is one of these initiatives. Women are employed on the basis of their need of freedom, rather than their qualifications. They are trained and then paid well above the going market rate, which brings transformation in women’s lives, because they have been given a chance.


We work with independent businesses and social projects, with a focus on building strong business relationships with all of our suppliers, working together towards mutual success. This creates a thriving sustainable business model.

Transparency is key in building this strong supplier relationship. We see our suppliers more as partners and an open dialogue and communication with them is vital for this to be possible.

Trading fairly, provides these artisans with an opportunity to build a future. It helps businesses develop and creates sustainable employment.

Some of the partners of Tabitha Living are already WFTO certified, others are working towards it.

Eco Friendly

For too long, profit has been more important than people and sourcing cheap resources, has come at the expense of the environment.

We care for our planet and looking after what has been given to us is one of our core beliefs.

Our products are therefore made in natural materials, produced using organic methods. Natural materials are biodegradable and have a less negative impact on the environment.

Hand Made

We value skills handed down from generation to generation. These skills have to be protected in order to stop them being lost forever. A beautiful handmade product tells a story of the relationship between the maker and the finished piece. Each item is individual and not a mass produced product.

We love the unique character in each item and the handmade nature of our products is what we believe makes Tabitha Living products special, they tell a story.